When will travel resume after the Coronavirus pandemic?

Will tourism ever resume after the pandemic?

This must be the most pressing question most frequent travelers or people who made traveling a religion are looking for an answer. Well, it's not just travelers, but millions of other people around the world who directly and indirectly engaged with the travel industry and made their livelihoods are looking for an answer to the same.

We indeed had to cancel or put all travels on-hold giving priority for staying healthy and wellbeing of our loved ones. And no one knows for how long we have to stay isolated at home. No government can set a timeline or even pick a guess on when we will see an end. This was explained well by Dr. Anthony Fauci, "You don't make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline".

Keeping high hopes

However, some people say if China was able to see some light at the end of the tunnel, other countries will soon follow. And some people still keep high hopes on traveling to resume by September this year and not ready to cancel their reservations to Europe and Asia. Many other travelers are ready to jump back in on the very first chance they get. One other thing most travelers talk about is that they want to help countries who depend on travel and tourism to get back on their feet and become economically strong again. All in all, people still living with high hopes about the future and hope is what keeps us moving forward.

Post-Corona challenges

Traveling won't be like before in the aftermath of Corona and it will take some time for the industry to fully recover. While some expect a huge boom in traveling by 2021, many others think that getting air tickets or finding a hotel for a cheaper rate would be difficult as airlines and hotels are recovering from a long shutdown and they want to catch up with the lost revenue. At the same time, one can argue that to attract more travelers there will be heavy discounts on airfare and accommodation. It's too early to predict what will happen but around August-September time, hopefully, we will be able to get a better idea.

On the flip side, in the aftermath of Coronavirus travelers will be demanding more isolation, hygiene, and sanitization. This will be a challenge for hoteliers and other accommodation providers.

One thing all travelers should understand is, there's always light at the end of the tunnel and for hoteliers and travel professionals, every challenge is an opportunity, therefore spend this time to think, how to make the most of it. The only mantra that we all should keep in mind is, "this too shall pass".


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